芬芳愈療 Aromatherapy

芬芳愈療 Aromatherapy


同一種味道的單方精油會帶來不一樣的人不一樣的體會,由於單方精油的味道根據味覺碰觸到人的好幾個方面——肉身、乙太體、心態體這些.你所喜愛的味兒實際上便是可以滋潤你心靈成長的味道,這就是為何單方精油能夠 用於探察和愈療大家本質全球的緣故”




Around 3000 BC, people regarded aroma as a means to guide and burn incense wood or resin in religious ceremonies and other activities. According to “Ancient Egyptian Papyrus Documents”, oregano, frankincense, coriander and other plants have been used for aromatherapy. The ancient Egyptian queen Leopold, known for her unparalleled beauty, filled her body with the fragrance of roses by sprinkling rose petals in the bath.

In the first 1,000 years of the park, Rigveda recorded about 1,000 medicinal plants that can be used for aromatherapy.

“The Complete Works of Hippocrates” was written by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates 400 years before the park, confirming the actual role of medicinal plants as aromatherapy in healing the body.

《新約聖經》中記述,耶穌出世時曾提及乳香環氧樹脂和制沒藥環氧樹脂,中國東方三賢把他們與金子一起信仰為三寶。而今日,這二種環氧樹脂也變成 大家制做香薰單方精油的關鍵原材料。

According to the New Testament, when Jesus was born, frankincense and myrrh resin were mentioned, and the Magi believed that together with gold they became the Three Jewels. Today, these two resins are also important ingredients in our aromatherapy essential oils.



In the 10th century, the ancient Persian medical scientist Avicenna established the steam distillation process and completed the distillation of essential oils in alchemy.

In the 11th century, the Crusades promoted cultural exchanges between the East and the West. In the 15th century, the maritime era strengthened exchanges between Europe and the New World and the East. Herbal medicine, essential oil distillation, aromatherapy and other technologies spread all over the world.




In 1931, French chemist Rene Morris Garde first publicly proposed the “miracle of aromatherapy” to the world. The night before, he was burned to death in a chemical experiment. After many fruitless treatments, the healing of lavender essential oil made him miraculously recovered. Later, his partner pushed this concept to the outside world.

In 1964, French army physician Dr. Jean Vanier published “Aromatherapy”, which was the first book on aromatherapy published in a single line.

Now, as the side effects of drugs become more and more obvious, natural remedies are once again widely used. This is not just about disease, but about the balance of the body. People have realized that aromatherapy is just as important as ordinary drug therapy
